March 2025 Seed Giveaway at Mary's Heirloom Seeds
I am so excited to share another fun seed giveaway at Mary's Heirloom Seeds! HAPPY ALMOST SPRING EVERYONE! Before we get to the amazing giveaway prizes... As an added bonus,...
Mary Smith |
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I am so excited to share another fun seed giveaway at Mary's Heirloom Seeds! HAPPY ALMOST SPRING EVERYONE! Before we get to the amazing giveaway prizes... As an added bonus,...
Mary Smith |
In case you're just finding us, new to our page or missed our previous articles, lately we've been talking about SOIL. We started with The Importance of Living Soil,...
Mary Smith |
Planning for the future is important. In the words of Jack Reacher (Lee Child), "Hope for the Best. Plan for the worst." While we cannot predict the loss of income,...
Mary Smith |
There are a few vegetables that are perennials that, under the right conditions, continue to grow all year long. Some for many years after the initial planting. Find out...
Mary Smith |
I mentioned in my last article The Importance of Living Soil that I've been reading more and more about soil and soil organisms. I've known about Mycorrhizae for a long...
Mary Smith |
Every day is a new opportunity to learn and grow. Lately I have been fascinated with Soil and all of the living organisms found in the garden. Here's what I've...
Mary Smith |
Our latest e-newsletter is PACKED with info on Herbs, Herbal Remedies and Special Offers. Check it out! Mary's Heirloom Seeds Quick Links Echinacea Coconut Coir Pellets POPPY Seed Starting SUPPLIESOrganic...
Mary Smith |
We've had quite a few questions about soil nutrients and amendments this past week. If you have additional questions after reading through our articles please send us an email. It's...
Mary Smith |
There are two main types of carrot - early and maincrop, which also come in long and short root varieties. As their name suggests, early varieties are planted earlier on...
Mary Smith |
There are so many unique varieties of Heirloom Cabbage and GREENS. Check out this New Jersey Wakefield Cabbage 70 days. (Brassica oleracea capitata) Easy to grow, they are very productive....
Mary Smith |
What are You planting this October? PAK CHOY Cabbage is an excellent Fall crop! Mary's Heirloom Seeds Quick Links NEW Seed Combo Packs BACK TO BASICS HOMESTEAD PACK FALL GARDEN...
Mary Smith |
This month we're breaking up our Seed Planting Guide. October is another HUGE planting month for Florida and we've split up our guide into 3 regions. At Mary's Heirloom Seeds...
Mary Smith |
Are you Ready to plant Cool-Weather Crops? Mary's Heirloom Seeds FALL is officially here. Happy Fall to you and best wishes for your Fall Garden. We have been sharing a...
Mary Smith |
Are you Ready to plant your FALL Garden? Mary's Heirloom Seeds FALL is officially here. Happy Fall to you and best wishes for your Fall Garden. We are so excited...
Mary Smith |