Preserving Garlic
Earlier this year during a live chat we discussed different ways to preserve garlic. It is important to mention that after you harvest garlic from your garden, it is important...
Mary Smith |
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Earlier this year during a live chat we discussed different ways to preserve garlic. It is important to mention that after you harvest garlic from your garden, it is important...
Mary Smith |
Welcome to another installment in our Food Storage Prepping in the Garden series. Today our "crop talk" is beans. Specifically, dry beans. As I mentioned in the beginning of our...
Mary Smith |
Have you enjoyed our Prepping in The Garden series so far? As promised, we are adding a "print" version of our videos on our blog and including growing information for...
Mary Smith |
Welcome to our prepping in the garden series! Cowpeas are a very easy crop to grow and store. If you're look for a heat tolerant, fast maturing food crop, Cowpeas...
Mary Smith |
Welcome to Food Storage Prepping in the Garden! We have a few very important videos coming soon but today is just an intro. I will be sharing info on specific...
Mary Smith |
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