Mary's Heirloom Tomato Garden Challenge
Hello and thank you for joining our challenge! This is going to be so much fun! If you like to grow heirloom tomatoes and you like a good challenge then...
Mary Smith |
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Hello and thank you for joining our challenge! This is going to be so much fun! If you like to grow heirloom tomatoes and you like a good challenge then...
Mary Smith |
Over 1,000 varieties of Heirloom Seeds
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Planting guides to help you grow a successful garden
These were slower to germinate than other "tomato" varieties, but took off quickly after. Tasty!
These germinated and grew wonderfully in my garden! Will grow again.
These were delicious and had the right flavor for just about anything! We made numerous tomato sandwiches with them!
Cant wait to plant in the spring! Looks like it will be enjoyed by many.