March 2025 Seed Giveaway at Mary's Heirloom Seeds
I am so excited to share another fun seed giveaway at Mary's Heirloom Seeds! HAPPY ALMOST SPRING EVERYONE! Before we get to the amazing giveaway prizes... As an added bonus,...
Mary Smith |
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I am so excited to share another fun seed giveaway at Mary's Heirloom Seeds! HAPPY ALMOST SPRING EVERYONE! Before we get to the amazing giveaway prizes... As an added bonus,...
Mary Smith |
I just spent the last 2 hours working on this email listing every single "New" heirloom variety I've added for 2017 at Mary's Heirloom Seeds. Enjoy! Mary's Heirloom Seeds Quick...
Mary Smith |
We asked our customers what issues they face in the garden and the top responses were Weeds and Bugs. Today we're going to tackle the Bugs & Pests issue. I...
Mary Smith |
We asked our customers what issues they face in the garden and the top responses were Weeds and Bugs. Today we're going to tackle the Weeds issue. Raised Beds Because...
Mary Smith |
As we announced last week, NEW stock for 2017 is available on our website. In case you placed an order over that last week or so (especially during the sale),...
Mary Smith |
The latest from Mary's Heirloom Seeds! *UPDATED from 2015* NEW Heirloom Cabbage varieties for 2017! Mary's Heirloom Seeds Quick Links Seed Starting SUPPLIESOrganic Plant Food Organic Pest Control Heirloom...
Mary Smith |
Last week I had the most amazing day volunteering at a local school. This was the third year of the Sage school garden. My station was the Greenhouse where we...
Mary Smith |
The latest from Mary's Heirloom Seeds! Mary's Heirloom Seeds Quick Links Using Coconut Coir in the garden Coconut Coir Pellets POPPY Seed Starting SUPPLIESOrganic Plant Food Organic Pest Control Heirloom...
Mary Smith |
Updates from Mary's Heirloom Seeds! CHIVES Mary's Heirloom Seeds Quick Links Passion Flower seeds Seed Starting SUPPLIESOrganic Plant Food Organic Pest Control 15 ORGANIC GIFTS IDEAS UNDER $20 FENNEL...
Mary Smith |
NEWS from Mary's Heirloom Seeds! Mary's Heirloom Seeds Quick Links Passion Flower seeds Seed Starting SUPPLIESOrganic Plant Food Organic Pest Control 15 ORGANIC GIFTS IDEAS UNDER $20 FENNEL Organic...
Mary Smith |
From Mary's Heirloom Seeds, COCONUT COIR BRICKS Coconut coir growing medium comes from the coconut's fibrous husk (known as coir) that is bound together by lignin (known as pith). After...
Mary Smith |
The latest from Mary's Heirloom Seeds Mary's Heirloom Seeds Quick Links Echinacea Coconut Coir Pellets POPPY Seed Starting SUPPLIES Organic Plant Food Organic Pest Control Heirloom BEANS Heirloom BEETS...
Mary Smith |
These directions are taken straight from our insert when you purchase Organic Alfalfa Sprouting seeds at Mary's Heirloom Seeds I'm sprouting 3 at a time! Yields approximately 4 Cups (1/2...
Mary Smith |
Welcome our intro Sprouting Broccoli. If you've never grown broccoli sprouts, you're in for a treat. From Nutritional Info on SPROUTS, "Eating broccoli sprouts may be able to protect people...
Mary Smith |