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Mary Smith |

It's a never-ending adventure here on the homestead and at Mary's Heirloom Seeds.  We are constantly working to share education, DIY info while providing tip-top customer service and AMAZING seeds!  This is an older blog post from Back to the Basics that we decided to re-vamp and share with you.  We love EASY DIY projects!

To get started, you'll need:
1- 50 foot root of fencing material or chicken wire
1 pack of electrical ties (5-8 per tomato cage)
wire cutters
measuring tape

I started with a 50 foot roll of fencing material then cut 5 foot long pieces to make cages 18 inches in diameter.  Instead of bending the ends to make hooks to hold them together I used electrical ties.  When I am done using the cages I can simply cut the electrical ties (I call them zip ties) and store the cages easier.
I snipped the ends off when I was finished.
Thanks to Doc who is super handy, no one was seriously injured during this process. 

Beautiful ROMA TOMATOES growing with our tomato cages

We used these cages in Florida and they were very easy to break down (snip the electrical ties) and move to our next homestead.


In order to keep these cages from tipping over, we trimmed the bottom "ring" of the chicken wire, leaving just the spikes.  Shove the spiked ends into the ground and they'll stay upright.  IF you live in very windy areas, you can secure them with tent spikes (or something like it)

I hope you have enjoyed another educational article.  If you have additional questions, please leave a comment below or send an email to mary@marysheirloomseeds.com


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Mary, thank you for sharing this simple, doable solution. Lori

Lori ,

Robert commented on storing the cages. Instead of one complete circle, I like two half-circle arcs facing each other. To store, simply nest them in a pile. It’s windy here, so I use metal electric fence rods to stake each arc in place. I also like concrete mesh so my hand fits inside.


What’s the height of the cages you used on the Roma tomato plants?


Norris ,

One caution when cutting wire from rolls..
Weat safety glasses and gloves too.
Wire has a nasty habit of poking you in the eye !!
I ise 3’ long wire or bolt cutters they work perfectly well when cutting.
With the concrete reinforcing mesh, or wire, one can bend a strip so it sticks up in a V shape, or inclined deal, set them over cucumber plants, and cukes witll climb them nicely. And again, the large holes are good for getting to the fruits, as well ! This wire rusts, and looks nice too, it blends in. Lasts for years and years lile the other person said. A very usedul wire in the garden !! And way way cheaper than these coated or played wires.


Nice idea. I use concrete reinforcing wire, mich cheaper and the square holes are bigger which allows one to get the hand through. Need that. Its very nice having the big square holes i find !
I too clip the bottoms so as to stick the wires i to the ground. This yesr im gonna use double wire cages, so as to support the limbs of tomatoes better. One cage near the plant some, another further out. We shall see how it works, but my cages have been nice.
I grow heirlooms and they get really long branches. So i figure another cage about ten inches out from the first will give double support. I use these on peppers and cucumbers too.
Thank you.


What an excellent idea.

Ray White,

Concrete mesh works way better in my opinion. It has large 6" squares and comes 5’ wide. It works awesome and lasts for decades. My brother in law has some his father made that are 50 and 60 years old


I have used this method of circular towers for decades and it works great except for storage. I now plan to make triangles by tying 3 panels together. Only need to cut one edge to collapse the triangle shape for very easy storage.

Robert Hill,

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