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Weekly Specials @Mary's Heirloom Seeds

Weekly Specials @Mary's Heirloom Seeds

Mary Smith |

Mary's Heirloom Seeds
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May 18, 2017
Yesterday we sent out an email with our
recent article
Grow 20 Pound Plants our Ancestors Grew
but I forgot to include our weekly specials

Oops!  Well I'll make it up to you with a few more that were added this morning.

Happy Planting!
Weekly Specials @
Mary's Heirloom Seeds

Mary's Seed Specials thru Monday, May 22nd

We mentioned yesterday that we grew HUGE Zucchini so this week we're offering full packs of our Black Beauty Zucchini for only 99 Cents per pack.

We also mentioned our HUGE Turnips so those are also only 99 Cent a pack   
 Our new arrival Red Mammoth Mangel Beet is also included in our weekly specials for only 99 cents per pack 
Early harvested (smaller)

Another variety we mentioned yesterday is a favorite of our chickens as well. 

Additional specials include 



If you want to grow large, healthy veggies then soil health and nutrients are very important.  We are offer our favorite soil amendments on sale thru Monday, May 22nd.  We use these in our own gardens to grow healthy, abundant crops

Derived from leguminous perennial alfalfa plant used for pasture and cover crop. Primary benefit of this pleasant smelling meal is increasing organic matter, although it is also a valuable plant-derived fertilizer.

Complex blend of natural organics provide complete and balanced feeding of all 15 nutrients 

Just like humans, plants require many minerals to reach peak health and vigor. Re-mineralize your soil with Azomite and your plants will thank you and reward you!

Full of trace Minerals, Carbohydrates and Amino Acids, helping create a strong root systems and makes a very healthy plant
If you have additional questions, please feel free to ask.

If you have additional questions please feel free to ask. 


Happy Planting,


Mary's Heirloom Seeds, P. O. Box 3763, Ramona, CA 92065

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