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Seed Garlic Info for 2022

Seed Garlic Info for 2022

Mary Smith |

Did you plant garlic last year? We did and the flavor of homegrown is just unbeatable. If you haven't grow garlic but you'd like to, here is your chance.

Before jumping in, there are a few things you should know.

First, "seed garlic" isn't like the seeds you get in our paper envelopes. Seed garlic is sold by the "bulb" which is made up of 6 to 16 "cloves." Each clove is planted to grow a brand new bulb.

Garlic grows best with full, direct sun and loose, fertile, well-drained soil.

Next, seed garlic is seasonal so once these are gone, we won't have more until next year. In our growing region we usually plant Garlic in Late October and harvest in Late June/Early July.

Softneck garlic is usually best suited for HOT climates like Florida but can be grown in cooler regions as well. Hardneck varieties produce scapes.

Pre-Orders of seed garlic are now available!


Let's introduce you to our garlic!


GERMAN RED (hardneck)

INCHELIUM RED (hardneck)

MUSIC (hardneck)

RED CHESNOK (hardneck)


Pre-order your garlic July 8th thru August 1st. Seed Garlic orders ship out after October 5th.

As we ship on a first come, first serve basis, your order may not ship until days or weeks later. You will receive an email when your order ships.

Seed Garlic does not qualify for free shipping.

Please purchase additional items in a separate order.  All orders containing SEED GARLIC will ship TOGETHER after October 5th depending on your order status.

If you have additional questions, please feel free to ask!
Email: mary@marysheirloomseeds.com




I’ve never grown garlic before, but you inspired me to try this fall! Thanks!

MacKenzie Parsons,

I’m excited to grow my own garlic! There are so many choices.


I would like to pre-order a couple of pounds of California soft-neck seed garlic for this coming season.

Robert Waldron,

Heard about you in a gardening group on Facebook. I’m also in East Texas, Quitman, and I look forward to ordering from you! I’m also hosting a seed swap in Quitman on December 4 if you would like to pop in to say Hi! You sounded famous in that gardening group 😁 thanks!

Ashley Lyons Crockett,

I live in zip code 92019, I have no idea what garlic to buy. I am beginner with garlic. Last year I did purchase a bulb, but was not able to plant.
Please advise me which one to grow this year.
Thank you.

Carol Blanas,

Which type of seed garlic would you recommend for Knoxville, TN.

Jennifer Webster,

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