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Nutritional Info on SPROUTS

Nutritional Info on SPROUTS

Mary Smith |

I LOVE SPROUTS!!!  Growing sprouts are simple and easy plus I save a bunch of moolah!

Today I'm sharing MORE of the Health Benefits of Sprouts by variety.

Adzuki Beans, Lentils, Peas and White Beans from Juicing for Health
Bean sprouts are a true concentrate of energy and nutritive principles. Unlike ripe vegetables, whose nutritional value progressively decreases after they have been harvested, bean sprouts retain their nutritional properties until consumed.
Bean sprouts have the richest source of amino acids (for protein), vitamins and minerals, and also contain a good amount of fiber. They contain all types of vitamins (A, B, C, D, E and K), folate and are an excellent source of iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium and zinc.

Alfalfa sprouts according to LiveStrong:
Alfalfa Sprouts
Alfalfa sprouts contain only 8 calories per serving, making this crunchy food an ideal choice for people who are trying to lose weight. Self magazine grants alfalfa sprout a five-star rating as a weight loss aid, noting that it is low in calories, sugar, fat and saturated fat. Additionally, because alfalfa sprouts are rich in fiber and protein, they may help to facilitate sensations of fullness for people who tend to overeat.

Alfalfa sprouts are a good source of several micronutrients, or vitamins. NutritionData reports that alfalfa sprouts contain B vitamins such as niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, folate, pantothenic acid and vitamin B6. Additionally, alfalfa sprouts provide roughly 13 percent of an adult's recommended daily intake of vitamin K. Because of alfalfa's high vitamin K content, the National Institutes of Health advise patients taking blood-thinners to avoid foods and supplements made from the plant.

Broccoli sprouts according to Livestrong:

Sprouted Broccoli seeds
Eating broccoli sprouts may be able to protect people from cancer, according to scientists from Johns Hopkins. The Maryland-based researchers found that young broccoli sprouts contain a substance called sulforaphane in concentrated amounts. Sulforaphane helps the body fight cancer, and may prevent certain cancers from developing. Researchers call this phenomenon chemoprotection. 

Asthma sufferers may benefit from a daily dose of broccoli sprouts, as studies have shown a decrease in inflammation of the airways after eating the vegetable. A study reported in the March 2009 issue of Clinical Immunology reports that sulforaphane, the same compound that can prevent and fight cancer, reduced inflammation associated with asthma and nasal allergies. In addition to broccoli sprouts, sulforaphane is naturally occurring in cauliflower, mature broccoli, brussels sprouts and cabbage. 

Buckwheat Sprouts according to Zhion
Buckwheat Groats (seeds)
Buckwheat has been grown since 1000 BC or earlier in China. Buckwheat has been used in various food products and some researches have been done with the common buckwheat. It contains proteins, flavonoids, flavones, phytosterols, thiamin-binding proteins, and other rare compounds in its seeds. It has been speculated that buckwheat may benefit people with cholesterol issues, hypertension and constipation. [1]

The Potential Health Benefits of Buckwheat 
Buckwheat sprout was found to contain quercetin, I-ascorbic acid, oxalic, malic, tartaric, and citric acids, rutin, and gamma-aminobutyric acid. Animal / cell studies suggest that buckwheat may have benefits of anti-cancer, cholesterol lowering, triglyceride lowering and anti-oxidative activities. [4,6]
Extracts of buckwheat spouts were found to have anti-inflammatory activities in a study of lipopolysaccharide-treated mice. After the intake of lipopolysaccharide, the inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin 6 and tumor necrosis factor alpha were markedly up-regulated in the spleen and  liver. [2] While, buckwheat hull extract was shown to have neurological protection against trimethyltin in a study of rats. [3]

Fenugreek sprouts according to Livestrong:
Fenugreek Sprouts
Fenugreek sprouts provide a large source of protein and a smaller amount of carbohydrates due to the sprouting process compared to other legumes. The soaking process of seed to sprout allows for enzymatic reactions to occur, providing easily digested proteins. The enzyme amylase breaks down complex carbohydrates found in the seeds to simple carbohydrates that are washed away during the rinsing process. Lipase, an enzyme that breaks down fat, creates a usable form of fat that is easily absorbed in the body.

Fenugreek can be used as spice, digestive aid, hair growth supplement and expectorant. Fenugreek may help stimulate milk production in nursing women and may aid in menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and breast tenderness. Fenugreek may also help to naturally lower cholesterol and aid in blood-sugar control in people who have diabetes.

Fenugreek provides a variety of vitamins, minerals, proteins, healthy fats and fiber. One teaspoon of fenugreek contains 12 calories, 0.85 g protein, 0.24 g fat, 0.9 g fiber, 7 mg calcium, 1.24 mg iron, 7 mg magnesium, 11 mg phosphorus and 28 mg potassium.

Mung Bean sprouts according to Livestrong:
Mung bean sprouts have a low calorie density, or energy density, with only 31 calories per 104 g serving. Low energy-dense foods can help you lose weight or prevent weight gain because they are relatively low in calories compared to their serving size, so you can fill up on them without eating too many calories, according to MayoClinic.com. Low energy-dense foods tend to be low in fat and high in dietary fiber, and mung bean sprouts have almost no fat and nearly 2 g dietary fiber per serving.

Sprouted Mung Beans
Each cup, or 104 g serving, of sprouted raw mung beans provides 155 mg potassium and only 6 mg sodium. Try to get at least 4,700 mg potassium and no more than 2,300 mg sodium per day to avoid high blood pressure and an increased risk for heart disease, stroke and kidney disease, according to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Each 1-cup serving of raw mung bean sprouts provides 14 mg vitamin C, or nearly one quarter of the daily value for vitamin C. Vitamin C is an antioxidant vitamin that is essential for proper immune function and wound healing. Another benefit of mung bean sprouts is their 60 mcg folic acid, or 15 percent of the daily value for this B vitamin, which is an especially important nutrient for women who may become pregnant, because it reduces the risk for neural tube birth defects.

A benefit of mung bean sprouts is that more than 90 percent of their weight is water, and you can use them, like other vegetables, to help you stay hydrated, according to the University of Michigan. Mung bean sprouts are a cholesterol-free food, and their dietary fiber can lower levels of bad LDL cholesterol in your blood. 

Hard Red Wheat sprouts according to Natural Therapy Pages
Sprouted Hard Red Wheat
Sprouted grains, unlike processed grains, are extremely nutritious and provide a valuable part of any healthy diet.  But what are sprouted grains exactly and how can they be used?

When grains, seeds and nuts are germinated, their nutritional content changes and, as they are generally not cooked, they retain their natural plant enzymes.  These enzymes are beneficial for helping the digestion of the seeds and nuts in the digestive tract.  As well as retaining the enzymes, they also retain the nutrients that would otherwise be destroyed by cooking.  Sprouted grains, seeds and nuts also encourage the growth of good bacteria, help to keep the colon clean, and are high in protective antioxidants.

Sprouts, as well as being very digestible, are a good source of fiber and protein, and are high in vitamins and minerals.  As an example, sunflower sprouts are high in vitamins A and C, while mung sprouts are high in vitamin C, iron, and potassium.  Most seeds are high in phosphorus, which is important for alertness, increased mental abilities, and healthy bones and teeth.  In its cooked form, wheat can cause mucus congestion, allergic reactions and constipation.  In is sprouted form, the starch is converted to simple sugars, meaning that many wheat intolerant people are able to eat sprouted wheat bread without any problems.

Radish Sprouts according to Heal with Food
Radish sprouts are loaded with vitamins, and research suggests that these super-nutritious sprouts may be even more effective at preventing cancer than broccoli sprouts. 
Radish Sprouts

Radish sprouts are an excellent source of folate, with 100 grams (3.5 ounces) of radish sprouts delivering almost a quarter of the Daily Value of folate. Folate is believed to promote cardiovascular health by breaking down homocysteine, an amino acid that is thought to promote atherosclerosis (fatty deposits in blood vessels). About half of people with cardiovascular disease have elevated homocysteine levels, compared with only 5% of the general population. In addition to providing tons of folate, radish sprouts contain plenty of vitamin B6, another nutrient that has been shown to break down homocysteine in the body.

Radish sprouts are inarguably one of the best foods for people who are trying to lose weight. Like other sprouts, radish sprouts are very low in calories (43 calories per 100 grams, or 3.5 ounces), and they are packed with vitamin C.

Weight loss benefits aside, vitamin C rich foods – such as radish sprouts – can offer benefits for the skin. Our skin is constantly bombarded with free radicals created by cigarette smoke, pollution, drugs, heavy exercising, toxins, stress, and UV radiation, but vitamin C helps destroy these harmful molecules. In addition, vitamin C helps the body produce collagen, a protein that keeps your skin smooth, elastic, and wrinkle-free. As part of the natural aging process, our collagen production slows down, which is why especially older people may reap extra beauty benefits by eating radish sprouts and other foods that are rich in vitamin C.

Sunflower Greens according to Grow Real Food
1. Boost your fertility with sunflower seeds and sprouts: Both sunflower seeds and their sprouts contain high amounts of zinc. Zinc is a well-researched mineral that is essential for the development of sperm, which is why it is especially important for men.

2. Sunflower sprouts are high in B vitamins, especially folate: Folate (or folic acid) is a necessary B vitamin for pregnant women, needed to ensure proper development of the baby’s nervous system. The combination of B vitamins also assists in the mother’s circulation as well as aids in stress relief.

3. Boost your antioxidant capacity with sunflower sprouts: Both sunflower seeds and their sprouts contain high amounts of vitamin E. Vitamin E works synergistically with vitamin C and selenium to reduce blood pressure, increase the elasticity of arteries and prevent heart disease.

4. The sunflower sprout is a natural expectorant for chest congestion: In Ayurvedic medicine, these sprouts are thought to have the ability to encourage clearance of the lungs. Natural expectorants may also be used as a preventative measure against lower respiratory infections to deter the invasion of pathogens.

5. Sunflower seed sprouts are a great vegetarian source of protein: Protein is well known for its ability to repair muscle tissue and aid in enzymatic functions in the body. But protein is also important in bone development and the prevention of osteoporosis, as it acts as the fundamental framework for the development of the bone matrix and continues to support bone strength throughout life.

Growing your own is definitely cheaper than buying from the store, plus you get FRESH grown sprouts at home.
There you have it!!!  Are you ready to get SPROUTING?  
Mary's Heirloom Seeds offers great deals on 
100% Organic Sprout Seeds and Sprouting Supplies.
How about Detailed Sprouting Instructions?  I don't have instructions for all of the varieties available online yet but I'm working on it.  Instructions are included with each purchase of sprouting seeds. 

**Bulk options available upon request**



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II just tried container gardening this past summer late (first week of June) but now I have the gardening bug and am putting in some raised beds. I just got interested in microgreens because I want something growing NOW (lol) and I love all the information with additional links for all the sprouts! Thank you!

Tricia Powell,

Hi Marla!
Mung Bean, Alfalfa and Broccoli are excellent choices for sprouting. Mung Bean is probably the easiest but Alfalfa and Broccoli are pretty easy as well.

Mary@ Mary's Heirloom Seeds,

Hi Mary,
I have wanted to start growing sprouts for a while now, but was never sure my digestive system could tolerate them. Could you tell what would be the easiest on the digestive? I think I want to stay away from any kind of grain.
Thanks for the info.Sharing.


Visiting from Let’s Get Real- thanks for reminding me about the amazing benefits of sprouting. Going to the kitchen to start some mung bean sprouts right now..

judee@gluten free A-Z Blog,

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