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All of the seeds listed are open-pollinated, non-gmo & non-hybrid, non-patented, untreated, heirloom garden seeds. Mary has signed the Safe Seed pledge.
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We're ready to start planting our Fall crops!
In case you'd like to get a jump start, below you'll find our
Fall HERB garden suggestions.
is also available on our website
If you have additional question we are happy to help!
30 days. Long tapered deep red roots that are 6-7" long.
Long Scarlet has crisp, tender white flesh, medium tops, for bunching.
70 days. Michihili cabbage produces a tall, cylindrical, leafy head of 17" long and 6" across.
Light green leaves are very tender and delicious, excellent for stir-fry and pickling.
Michihili Chinese Cabbage grows best in mild climates.
65 days. An early bush cocozelle zucchini that produces huge yields of 16" fruit.
Much better eaten at the 6-8" size. Light green skin with white stripes. Very flavorful creamy-white flesh.
Very vigorous and can produce as many as 30 zucchini per bush.
105 days Large, pink, banana-shaped fruit can weigh 10-40 lbs. This variety is over 100 years old. Fine flavored, dry, sweet, orange flesh that is superbly fine tasting. Popular on the West Coast. Excellent for homemade Squash Pie!
55 days. The watermelon radish has ball-shaped root that is about 4 inches in diameter.
The color starts with deep green shoulders that fade to a bright white skin.Cut a watermelon radish open and discover a bright red flesh that is reminiscent of a summertime watermelon!
Watermelon radish is crispy with mild and sweet flavor, excellent for salad, garnish and even cooking in Asian dishes.
Watermelon radish is an heirloom Chinese daikon radish and botanically a member of the Brassica (mustard) family. Like most radishes the Watermelon radish contains isothiocyanate, a pungent chemical compound that when isolated makes an organic, natural pest repellent.
60 days. This dark-green bean has been a favorite for over 40 years. Heavy yield. Matures its large crop early and all at once. Stagger planting for longer harvesting.
Wondering when to plant ORGANIC GARLIC?
With just a little early planning, you can have several herbs that like cool weather this Fall. Fall Herb Garden suggestions include parsley (flat Italian or curled), sage, rosemary, thyme, chives, lavender, Basil, cilantro, and mint. Within a few weeks, you will be rewarded with the freshest flavors for autumn meals.
From Seed to Harvest: Basil - 60 to 90 days *I've harvested as early as 30 days* Chives - 80 to 90 days Garlic Chives - 80 to 90 days Cilantro - 60 to 90 days *I've harvested as early as 30 days* Lavender - 90 days Italian Parsley - 40 to 60 days French Parsley - Chervil - 80 to 120 days Peppermint - 90 days - Perennial Rosemary - 90 days - Perennial (grows for several years) *I have seen Rosemary "trees" almost 5 feet tall SAGE - 90 days Thyme - 90-180 days