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Mary's Heirloom Seeds
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A few favorites
July 18, 2018
We are thrilled to announce a few more new arrivals for 2018/2019 gardens!
Several of the new arrivals listed below were a special request for dying wool and fabrics.
In case you missed it, we've also added to our 99 Cent Seed Pack SALE for the month of July.
All of the info is below.

A cousin of Lamb's Ear, Stachys Offinalis is also called betony, bishopswort, purple betony, or wood betony. Betony is a hardy perennial herb.
The erect stem grows from 4 to 5 feet high, is very stout and deeply furrowed, and near the top, branched.
Known as Golden Marguerite Daisy or Dyer's Chamomile, this perennial provides an abundance of yellow daises all summer and fall.
Used as a natural dye for wool
Purple-black seeds are used by the Hopis as a natural dye source, especially for coloring baskets. Seeds may also be used for food or feed, and this is the best variety for dehulling. 7-11 ft. stalks with 5-13 in. heads. 
(Malva Sylvestris Mauritiana) - From the Mallow family, this French Hollyhock will bloom the first year from flower seed.  Used to dye wool and fabrics
50 days.  Monstrueux De Viroflay Spinach is An old variety dating back to the mid 1800's in France.
45 days. A Pre-1880 heirloom variety.
Popular Southern variety often grown for winter green.
50-60 days.Tatume is a summer squash popular in Mexico and Texas, round/oval med-dark green to yellow fruits with faint stripes.
A pre-1885 French heirloom.
An original French lettuce variety of the "4 Seasons" strain
An English main crop variety and standard home and market variety.

Small, mild Japanese pepper for roasting, pan-frying and grilling.

Originally grown as a dye plant by the southwestern Hopi Nation, this variety has the reddest seedlings of any amaranth known, making it a natural for micro-green mixes!

Sugar beets are a natural source of sugar and where most of the sugar industry derives its sugar from these days.
Beets are up to 1 foot long and can weigh from 3-5 pounds.

Our Medicinal herb garden combo pack consists of standard-sized packets of the herb seeds that we consider to b useful for growing plants for first-aid.
8 Herb seeds varieties included

If you have additional questions please feel free to ask. 


Happy Planting,


Mary's Heirloom Seeds, P. O. Box 3763, Ramona, CA 92065

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