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Kitchen Herb Garden Seed Giveaway

Kitchen Herb Garden Seed Giveaway

Mary Smith |

We LOVE Giveaways!!!!
As promised,  Mary's Heirloom Seeds is sponsoring Another Giveaway.
Are you ready???

This is a super simple giveaway with loads of seeds!  This Giveaway will run from Sunday, February 18 thru Tuesday, February 20th at midnight and is open to residents of the US and Canada
We will pick One Lucky Winner on Wednesday, February 21st.

This is a great starter kit for your Kitchen Herb Garden.  Includes a full-pack of the following varieties:
Genovese Basil

Coconut coir growing medium comes from the coconut's fibrous husk (known as coir) that is bound together by lignin (known as pith).  With the addition of water, coir expands to an easy to work with growing medium. The addition of water increases the volume 3 to 9 times, depending on the packaging of products. This process results in a 100% organic, biodegradable growing medium, making it a natural and safe growth medium of choice for growers

Mary's Heirloom Seeds is a "mom and pop" small business created out of a desire to help people become more sustainable and self-sufficient. Our customers know that we are a simple phone call or email away
We currently offer over 500 varieties of open-pollinated, non-gmo &a non-hybrid Heirloom Seeds.  Mary has signed the Safe Seed Pledge AND the Declaration of Seed Freedom.
Are you ready to enter the giveaway?

Giveaway is open to all Residents of the US and Canada.
Giveaway opens 2/18/2018 and ends Tuesday, February20th at Midnight.
All giveaway entrants will be added to Mary's Heirloom Seeds mailing list.
Your information is never sold and we never send spam emails.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Bees love the flowers on my moringa, but nothing is prettier then bees on a sunflower.



Dawn Albin,



I’m enjoying looking through your seed offerings. I’m glad I stumbled onto it.

Barbara Rostek,

The bees seem to live love all my wild flowrr mix. Love having bees in my flower and vegetables gardens. Hurry up spring I wanna plant ?

Jeanne Coulombe,

Hibiscus, Jasmine and roses


My bees love our wildflowers, best honey you can get!


I always have lavender my garden for the bees. And the spent flowers smell great in my drawers and cabinets.

Martha Waugh,

marigolds, coreopsis and Sunflowers are my favorite

Louise Barber,

Awesome giveaway, I love sage and borage to attract bee’s in my garden

Valerie June Phillips,

Oops, left out bees love my lemon balm.

laura mccubbin,

Love using herbs, both in food and medicinally.

laura mccubbin,

I’d love to start an herb garden!




arugula flowers by far is my choice bee flower. super fragrant.

D Ann Metivier,

Yay! Just put in our first bit of garden last week! Love gardening. Love what you do!

Jessica Longoria ,

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