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Heirloom Seeds Starter Kit GIVEAWAY

Heirloom Seeds Starter Kit GIVEAWAY

Mary Smith |

We LOVE Giveaways!!!!
This is a "Just Because" giveaway sponsored by 
 Mary's Heirloom Seeds
Are you ready???

  This is a super simple giveaway with multiple winners!  This Giveaway will run from Wednesday, October 3rd thru Saturday, October 6th at midnight and is open to residents of the US and Canada

We will pick SIX Lucky Winners on Sunday, October 7th

We put together a few mini-starter kits just for this giveaway.  Heirloom Seeds and Coconut coir pellets are available on our website.  Each Winner will also receive a Butterfly garden Seed pack along with their mini starter kit.
Each Starter kit includes a pack of heirloom seeds, 8 coconut coir pellets, instructions and a germination container


From Mary,
Mary's Heirloom Seeds is a "mom and pop" small business created out of a desire to help people become more sustainable and self-sufficient. Our customers know that we are a simple phone call or email away
We currently offer over 600 varieties of Heirloom, open-pollinated, non-gmo & non-hybrid garden Seeds.  Mary has signed the Safe Seed Pledge AND the Declaration of Seed Freedom.
Are you ready to enter the giveaway?

Giveaway is open to all Residents of the US and Canada.
Giveaway opens 10/03/2018 and ends Saturday, October 6th at Midnight.
All giveaway entrants will be added to Mary's Heirloom Seeds mailing list.
Your information is never sold and we never send spam emails.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


I have two hives plus an abundance of wild pollinators. It’s challenging to pick their favorites as different pollinators seem to prefer different plants. The honey bees love banana flowers, tulsi and other basils, bee balm, pear flowers to name a few. The bumble bees are very territorial about the comfrey flowers I notice. This time of year the bees are loving the wild Spanish needles that I leave growing for them, even though the seeds are a big nuisance. I don’t have the heart to take them away from my bees. Soon the salt bush will bloom and it will be full of thousands of pollinators. That’s a treat for me and them. Thanks for your great seeds! Linda


I love my French lavender shrub, & so do the bees! (The little flock of bushtits likes to looks for tasty bugs in it, too.)


Milkweed was my # 1 bee attractor this season

Wendy Carly Perez,

It’s difficult to pick a favorite, but this past spring I grew a bunch of bachelor buttons – they were so cute and pretty and attracted a bunch of Green Sweat Bees, which are also cute and a pretty iridescent green! I also really love basil because it tastes great, the bees love the flowers, and they replant themselves for me! =) The bees also love my lavender, but then I kept finding a praying mantis hanging out in there, so it seems it was making a snack of the bees that were snacking on the lavender! =O It was neat to see the mantis, though! #circleoflife


Basil and Lavender

Amy M Monnin,

Basil. Rosemary. Bee Balm. We have honey bees and they LOVE herbs!
:) gwingal

Nikki Gwin,

Dandelions! I just moved, so I need to get some bee-friendly plants started in the spring.

Mary Hepburn,

The bees love my raspberries.

Darlene Owen,

Bee balm!


This is the first year a planted a bee and butterfly garden. Salvia, lavender, and daisies. But my favorite this year was the Butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberosa).

new jenks,

I don’t have any bees yet. I keep planting- roses, hibiscus, salvia, lemon bee balm, herbs, fruit trees, veggies, wild flowers, your save the bees mix, etc. I’m seeing a major increase in butterflies but, haven’t attracted any bees… yet. Fingers crossed for next year… When they say that bees are dying in the wild, I can definitely attest to that in my region. Probably due to all the pesticides used in fields around me.

Kitty Krueger,

Roses upon roses upon roses :)

Sean C,

No favorite bee attracting plant.


The bees love our Hostas which I love since they don’t require anything but love, water and sun!

Stafford Brix,

It would have to be mint for us!


GREAT question! We have a tutorial for Raised Bed gardens


We also have a plant spacing guide for square foot gardens

Mary @ Mary's Heirloom Seeds,

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