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Heat Tolerant Heirloom Varieties

Heat Tolerant Heirloom Varieties

Mary Smith |

One of the frequently asked questions we get at Mary's Heirloom Seeds is "will this grow in my area?"

HEAT tolerant crops are important to consider if you live in warmer climates.  It is also important o plant these according to your growing region.

*Not all of these varieties will grow year round or in the hottest days of the year.  This is a list of varieties that should do better than others in warmer regions*

Recommended Heirloom Varieties for Florida:

Love Lies Bleeding Amaranth & Red Garnet Amaranth

Arugula Roquette

Henderson Black Seeded Lettuce, Little Gem, Parris Island Cos, Merveille Des Quatre Saison (4 seasons) and Summer Bibb

Bush Beans: Blue Lake, JADE & Red Kidney

Pole Beans: Chinese Red Noodle Bean, Kentucky Wonder & Scarlet Runner

Beets: Early Wonder, Detroit Dark Red & Cylindra Formanova

Broccoli: Calabrese & Purple Early Sprouting

Brussels Sprouts: Long Island

Cabbage: Charleston Wakefield, New Jersey Wakefield & Savoy  Perfection

Carrots: Chantenay, Danver's & Scarlet Nantes

Chinese Cabbage: Dwarf Pak Choy & Pak Choy

Collards: Georgia Green & Morris Heading

Corn: Glass Gem, Hopi Blue, Mandan Bride & Oaxacan Green Dent

Sweet Corn: Stowell's Evergreen & Country Gentleman

Cucumber: ASHLEYMarketmore (slicer), National Pickling & Lemon Cucumber

Eggplant: Listada De Gandia & Black Beauty

Endive: Batavian

Kale: Vates Blue Curled & Lacinato (dino kale)

Kohlrabi: Purple Vienna

Mustard: Southern Giant & Giant Red

Okra: Clemson Spineless & Burgundy

Onions: Red Burgundy (bulbing) & Japanese Bunching

English/Snow Peas: Sugar Ann snap & Oregon Snow

Southern Peas: Purple Hull Pinkeye Pea & Black Eye, Pigeon Pea

Pretty much EVERY PEPPER but here are a few of our favorites...

Hot Peppers: Anaheim, Cayenne, ChiltepinYellow Scotch Bonnet, Chocolate Habanero & Jalapeno

Sweet Peppers: Cal Wonder, Golden Cal Wonder Bell, Golden Marconi & Pimiento

Pumpkin: Big Max, Connecticut Field, Seminole & Green Striped Cushaw

Radish: Diakon & German Giant

Spinach: Bloomsdale Longstanding, Giant Nobel & Malabar

Summer Squash: Black Beauty Zucchini, Golden Crookneck, Tomboncino & Yellow Scallop

Winter Squash: Spaghetti, Table Queen Acorn & Waltham Butternut

Swiss Chard: Fordhook & Rainbow


Tomatoes: MARGLOBEBrandywine, Cherokee Purple, Green Zebra, Homestead, Floradade, Mortgage Lifter & San Marzano

Wild Everglades Tomato

Turnips: Purple-Top Whiteglobe

Watermelon: Georgia Rattlesnake, Charleston Grey & Golden Midget



Sweet Basil





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Hi! I like finding new type of veg that l might like. Denis

Denis edmunds,

Thanks for all the great info!

Lena strumas,

Your seeds are highly recommended
Do you also have plants?

Sharon Stone,

What flowers would you recommend for southeastern Oklahoma?

Jean LeFlore,

Love vegs


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