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Growing Broadleaf Sage from Seed

Growing Broadleaf Sage from Seed

Mary Smith |

Broadleaf Sage, Salvia officinalis, Adds flavor to many meats, stuffing, vinegars and more! Also Called Culinary Sage, Broadleaf Sage produces aromatic, green foliage that is used in for it's culinary and medicinal properties


Depending on your zone and growing methods, Broadleaf Sage is a perennial and can be divided every 3 years. Sage thrives in hot weather.

Sage seeds can take 3 weeks (or more) to germinate even under optimal conditions. Patience is a must! Plant seeds shallow (approx 1/8 inch deep) and keep soil warm and moist.


Sage prefers full sun and well-drained soil.  Avoid overhead watering once seedlings emerge. sage can be grown in ground or in containers.

Companion plants for Sage include Tomatoes, Thyme, Brassicas, carrots and strawberries.


Harvesting Sage

Prune the heavier, woody stems every spring. For optimal growth/production, remove flowers as they appear.

Sage’s flavor is best when fresh, but it can be stored frozen or dried.  Simply snip or pinch off leaves to harvest. Sage leaves can be harvested and used fresh, stored in the freezer or dried for future use.

Some cooks blend the leaves with oil, pack the ground mixture into ice cube trays to freeze, and then transfer the cubes to a container.


If you have additional questions, please feel free to ask!
Email: mary@marysheirloomseeds.com


1 comment

Just wondering is this a perennial in zone 6?

Judi Lamothe,

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