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Mary Smith |

Fall is a prime time for planting the hardiest herbs that actually grow very well in areas with mild winters. You can put an assortment of your favorite cool-weather-loving fall herbs by the kitchen door—all in one container, if you like—for a pinch of each right at your fingertips. You can also plant pretty cilantro and parsley in existing flower beds or containers to serve as a green companion for pansies and other winter flowers.

With just a little early planning NOW, you can have several herbs that like cool weather this Fall.  Fall Herb Garden suggestions include parsley (flat Italian or curled), sage, rosemary, thyme, chives, lavender, Basil, cilantro, and mint. Within a few weeks, you will be rewarded with the freshest flavors for autumn meals. 

From Seed to Harvest:

Basil - 60 to 90 days *I've harvested as early as 30 days*
Chives - 80 to 90 days
Garlic Chives - 80 to 90 days
Cilantro - 60 to 90 days *I've harvested as early as 30 days*
Lavender - 90 days
PARSLEY - 40 to 60 days
French Parsley - Chervil - 80 to 120 days
Peppermint - 90 days - Perennial
Rosemary - 90 days - Perennial (grows for several years) *I have seen Rosemary "trees" almost 5 feet tall
SAGE - 90 days
Thyme - 90-180 days

 For more FALL Planting info check out our recent articles:

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1 comment

Good information… I am hoping to get some dill going too… I LOVE dill, but am having trouble growing it this year… and then there are all of the caterpillars/butterflies that like it and use up my plants! I really want some here for us to use. :) Thank you for the reminder of fall herbs. I will also try some others.

Gentle Joy Homemaker,

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