Safety First! As lovely as eating flowers can be, it can also be a little ... deadly! Not to scare you off or anything.
-Eat flowers you know to be consumable and preferably flowers you have grown yourself.
-Do not eat roadside flowers or those picked in public parks. Both may have been treated with pesticide or herbicide, and roadside flowers may be polluted by car exhaust.
-Eat only the petals, and remove pistils and stamens before eating
As with any new food, use caution.
Some of the varieties listed are "leafy" crops that bolt (flower) and the flowers are edible.
Often used for pickling purposes. Fresh tuber tastes like a water chestnut and is used in salads. Tubers can also be cooked like potatoes. The edible portion is the tuber or swollen end of an underground stem, which in some respects resembles a potato.
Flowers resemble small sunflowers or large daisies. Ripens in late fall.
All blossoms from the allium family (leeks,chives, garlic, garlic chives) are edible and flavorful!
Both flowers and leaves have a subtle anise or licorice flavor.
Petals are edible. Avoid the bitter calyx.
Blossoms come in a variety of colors, from white to pink to lavender
Blossoms are a lovely blue hue and taste like cucumber!
Small and daisylike, the flowers have a sweet flavor and are often used in tea. Ragweed sufferers may be allergic to chamomile.
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1 comment
What a great post! I actually speak at garden club meetings in our area about herbs and edible flowers. This is my feature today! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures