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10% OFF all Seed Combo Packs


Cyber Monday Freebies!

Cyber Monday Freebies!

Mary Smith |

Mary's Heirloom Seeds
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November 26, 2017
Good Evening!
Are you ready for Cyber Monday Freebies?
If you've already placed an order, we're shipping as fast as possible.  With the Thanksgiving holiday closure, we are a bit behind but we'll be all caught up by tomorrow (Monday).

FREE Stuff is always fun right?
Starting NOW thru midnight Monday, Nov 27th
We're going to include a FREE
Baker's Dozen Combo pack with every single purchase of $50 or more
That's a value of $14.95!!!

Easy to grow and wonderful to eat.  This pack contains a large variety of seeds 
for a very low cost.  
Includes 13 seeds from 13 varieties

You only have about 24 hours for these deals.
TODAY ONLY we have a discount code for

Used code
at checkout to receive 5% OFF

(Even the ones on sale)
Code expires Nov 27th at midnight

Here's the box at checkout to enter the code
Last but certainly not least,
we have a HUGE sale on Combo packs &
Starter Kits thru November 27th. 

You can find them all on our

We've updated our Gardens Fundraiser page

Handcrafted necklaces made by Mary (and a few made by her sister).  Funds Raised will go to help more school gardens in our community and across the country as well as expanding our food donation program.
Since these are handmade, we have a limited supply of each design.  Check back as we will be updating the page with more items!

If you have additional questions please feel free to ask. 


Happy Planting,


Mary's Heirloom Seeds, P. O. Box 3763, Ramona, CA 92065



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