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About Perpetual Spinach

About Perpetual Spinach

Mary Smith |

If you're like me and you're looking to add a few more varieties to your garden that will produce for more than a season, Perpetual Spinach is a fantastic option!

Perpetual spinach is actually a swiss chard variety but looks and tastes more like spinach.

From seed, Perpetual Spinach is usually producing by 50 days.  I've had quite a few swiss chard varieties continue to produce for over 9 months so they're well worth the moderate amount of space they use in the garden.  Perpetual Spinach is a great container variety as well.

From Mary's Heirloom Seeds

50 days. European heirloom dating back to the 1860s. Belongs to the same species as chard and beets, but it has distinctive differences.

The taste is more like a true spinach than ordinary chard, and the leaves look like spinach too.  Pertetual Spinach leaves are flatter and more pointed than chard, with slimmer stems.

An excellent no-fuss warm weather substitute for spinach in the Southeast.


From Mary's Blog, Growing Swiss Chard from Seed to Harvest

Tip: Soak seeds overnight in water before planting to ensure strong germination.

Plant seeds 1/4 - 1/2 inch deep and 3-6 inches apart. Set out seedlings 8-12 inches apart. Indoors or out, thin newly germinated seedlings with cuticle scissors instead of pulling them out. Chard seed capsules often contain two or more seeds. If more than one germinates snip off all but the strongest sprout at the soil line. Gradually thin direct-sown seedlings to 8-12 inches apart.

Harvest individual leaves from the outer area but be sure to leave the crown intact.

Frequent picking helps to stimulate the production of new leaves. Rinse leaves with cool water immediately, shake off the excess moisture, and store in plastic bags in the refrigerator for up to four days.

Swiss Chard is not only heat tolerant, depending on your area, it is also a cool weather crop.  I have had several varieties withstand several days of frost and survive. 

Companion Plants for Swiss Chard:

Bean, cabbage family, tomato, onion and roses. Don't overlook chard's value as an ornamental plant in flower beds or wherever you have room for it. Don't grow chard near cucurbits, melons, corn or herbs.






If you have additional questions please send an email to mary@marysheirloomseeds.com

Happy Planting!


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Is the perpetual spinach any different than common Swiss chard? Does it have the same growth habit or is it shorter? My chard plants turn into small trees in time with a huge trunk. I usually remove them and replace with younger, smaller plants from time to time.
I appreciate any info.
Thanks, Ken

Ken Knight,

Hi, where can I get these perpetual spinach seeds

April householder,

We do not currently grow under lights. If you choose to use lights, you might need to adjust your growing. I don’t currently have info on growing perpetual spinach indoors but I know many people do it.

Mary @ Mary's Heirloom Seeds,

Just found you. Thank you for that very helpful growing guide. It’s terrific and I can’t wait to use it come January. One question, do your set briefing instructions take into account the faster growth under grow lamps and would that delay the starting. If so, is there information by how much? Thank you again.


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