All of the seeds listed are open-pollinated, non-gmo and non-hybrid,
organic, heirloom garden seeds. Mary has signed the Safe Seed pledge AND the Declaration of Seed Freedom.
$10 Order Minimum
Most orders place Monday-Thursday ship within 48 hours, except for Holidays.
April 20, 2016
Every day is EARTH DAY at Mary's Heirloom Seeds!
We try to celebrate every day like Earth Day at Mary's Heirloom Seeds. We are constantly sharing eco-friendly growing tips, organic growing methods and DIY recipes.
April 22nd is a special day to focus on the planet and how we can each make a difference both big and small. One tiny seed at a time, one city at a time and spread that across the world!
Mary's Heirloom Seeds, P.O. Box 3763, Ramona, CA 92065
Every day I answer emails, phone calls and fb messages from people with garden-related and seed related questions. If you have questions, I am happy to help.