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Seed Starting, Transplanting & Nutrients

Seed Starting, Transplanting & Nutrients

Mary Smith |

Mary's Heirloom Seeds
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April 13, 2016
CONGRATS to our 3 winners Autumn, Rachel and Kathy!
They were randomly chosen via rafflecopter from our latest Seeds Giveaway!    In case you did not win, we have a special offer for YOU!

Thru Sunday, April17th at midnight, we have 2 different Seed Combo Pack ON SALE!
Baker's Dozen seed combo pack

Organic Garden Starter Pack

BONUS:  We are offering a special discount on Micronized Azomite as well as Greensand thru April 17th

Let's get Planting!!!
We're kicking off a new series on our blog at Mary's Heirloom Seeds.  First we shared about organic pest control.  NOW we're talking about growing your own organic food from seeds.

Here's an older post from our old blog.  Enjoy!
Sometimes you get lucky and you plant a seed, give it a bit of water and it grows.  Other times it takes more effort to get things growing.

1. Remember that each seed variety germinates at a different rate.  Example:  Beans can take as few as 5 days to germinate while tomatoes may take up to 14 days.  Cabbage can germinate in as few as 5 days and peppers typically germinate in 10-14 days.
2.  Soak your seeds.  Not all seeds should be soaked.  I prefer to soak seeds like peppers, squash and tomatoes.  Soaked seeds tend to germinate quicker after a 12-24 hour soaking.  I soak beans for only 3 hours before I plant.
3.  Water.  It is important to keep your soil moist but not drenched.  Standing water is a no-no for germinating seeds.  On the other hand, if you let your soil completely dry out you might kill the delicate germinating seeds.

4.  Soil.  For smaller seeds, delicate seeds or sometimes just because, I use Coconut Coir Pellets for seed starting.  We use Coconut Coir because it is not acidic like peat moss.  I know that the soil has not been contaminated with soilbourne fungus or disease AND Coconut Coir pellets make transplanting simple and easy.  When transplanting your seedlings in pellets I place the entire pellet into the ground or soil-filled container and cover with dirt.  EASY!
5. Warmth.  Seeds and seedlings should be kept warm during germination and growth.  Some people use grow lights.  I use my laundry room where I have plenty of natural light and no air conditioning.

If you're growing seedlings indoors, they might have been pampered all winter/spring.  Aside from the random cat attack or possibly too much watering, they have been relatively safe compared to the dangers that await them in the great outdoors.

Hardening off gradually exposes the tender plants to wind, sun and rain and toughens them up by thickening the cuticle on the leaves so that the leaves lose less water. This helps prevent transplant shock; seedlings that languish, become stunted or die from sudden changes in temperature.  

Time to transplant this squash seedling! 

Hardening off times depend on the type of plants you are growing and the temperature and temperature fluctuations. So be flexible when hardening off your seedlings and be prepared to whisk them indoors if there's a late freeze and snow.

Not everyone grows seedlings indoors.  Even some of my seedlings that were grown outside needed to be acclimated to their new are before being transplanted.

What is Mycorrhizae?
 Mycorrhizal fungi include many species of fungi, like mushrooms. They all have long filaments that resemble roots, and they grow near plants with which they can share a beneficial relationship. They seek out plants that have tiny bits of food dripping from their roots. They then attachthemselves to the plant and extend their filaments into parts of the surrounding soil that the plant can't reach. 

The difference in roots is amazing!
A plant would soon exhaust its small area of surrounding soil of nutrients, but with the help of mycorrhizal fungi, plants benefit from nutrients and moisture found further from home. In addition, they produce glomalin, a glycoprotein that helps stabilize the soil.

At the end of each mailing we usually include our HELPFUL LINKS just in case you missed it!
Stay tuned for more information about planting and growing seeds!

If you have additional questions please feel free to ask. 
Happy Planting,
Mary's Heirloom Seeds, P. O. Box 3763, Ramona, CA 92065


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Linda Quigley,

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