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The Force is Strong with these Seeds

The Force is Strong with these Seeds

Mary Smith |

Corny, I know.  But I'm having a bit of fun with all of the latest Star Wars excitement.  Enjoy our latest NEW SEEDS announcement.

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December 18, 2015
More and more, customers are asking us for Organic Seed Potatoes at Mary's Heirloom Seeds.  Pre-Orders of Organic Seed Potatoes are now available!!!

And NOW we've added a few new heirloom seed varieties.  With these new varieties, Mary's Heirloom Seeds now offers over 300 heirloom, non-gmo, non-hybrid and organic seeds! 


Organic Seed Potatoes   
From our recent article:
Potatoes are not roots but specialized underground storage stems called "tubers." Potatoes can be planted anytime the soil temperature is above 45 degrees and there is no danger of a hard freeze at least two weeks after planting. Maximum tuber formation occurs at soil temperatures between 60 and 70 degrees F.
We are currently offering PRE-ORDERS of
select varieties of
Depending on your location AND date of purchase, seed potatoes will be available to ship as early as January 1.
*Price and availability subject to change*

Remember, even if planting time in your area isn't until March or April, NOW is the time to start thinking about Organic Seed Potatoes 


As we ship on a first come, first serve basis, your order may not ship until days or weeks later. You will receive an email when your order ships.
Please purchase additional items in a separate order.  Items ordered with Organic Seed Potatoes will ship together after January 1st.

Did you see our 2016 Planting Guide? 
STATE & COUNTY specific
Planting Guides:
FLORIDA has been split into 3 sections for a more thorough planting guide
As always, if you have additional questions please feel free to ask! This data has been compiled from our own research as well as feedback from our customers.
If you have additional questions please feel free to ask. 
Happy Planting,


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