All of the seeds listed are open-pollinated, non-gmo & non-hybrid, non-patented, untreated, heirloom garden seeds. Mary has signed the Safe Seed pledge.
$10 Order Minimum
Most orders place Monday-Thursday ship within 24 hours, except for Holidays.
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Since it's my birthday this weekend I've decided to offer you something special..... NEW Seed varieties with some as low as $0.50 Are you excited yet?
Also known as Large Victoria, Easily raised from seed, a heavy producer, excellent for commercial purposes, red and green stalks. Famous for its wonderfully flavorful juice! Hardy, vigorous plants need little care. Enjoy sweet rhubarb for a lifetime!Once established, yields increase every year. A permanent investment!
Lemon Basil herb plants are upright, bushy and grow 26 inches high and 10 to 14 inches wide. The narrow, ovate, light green leaves reach 2 inches long. Small blooms of white flowers are followed by lemon-scented seeds.
If you have additional questions please feel free to ask.