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What's Your Garden Style?

Mary Smith |

I have somewhat of a crazy style of garden.  I plant all over the place and mostly in raised beds.  Companion planting is key within each garden beds.
Our new homestead offers lots of space to garden but with one drawback...gofers!  All of our heirloom, organic garden veggies are grown in raised beds with gofer wire below each bed.
What other types of gardens are popular?  What's your style?
Italian Vegetable Garden
Front Yard Veggie Garden
Container Gardens
Fenced to protect from deer and other garden pests
Colonial Garden
Medieval Garden
The benefits of ORGANIC gardening include:
-Great Exercise
-Stress Relief
-Healthier & Cheaper Food
-Teaches Patience
-Save the Bees & Butterflies when you avoid pesticides and chemicals

What's your garden style?

 Use to increase micronutrient uptake and improve efficiency of applied and existing nutrients.
**SAVE up to $10** 
 Mountain Phlox Linanthus Grandiflorus is native to the Pacific Northwest region, and especially likes the coast range where it it cool and moist. The Mountain Phlox flower is good for cutting, and it attracts bees, birds and butterflies.
A Louisiana variety that has been in the Pigott family, Washington Parish, since the 1850's.



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